Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in the world the city of Washington DC is a wonderful place to live to work and to play. Politics and power plays are common place to the residents of our Capitol City that's extremely rich with history and diversity in ways that most will only read about. From Downtown to Georgetown or from Chevy Chase to Anacostia the city of Washington contains a very wide range of real estate that maintains very strong buyer demand. Making it challenging to homeowners, investors and lenders alike when they need to know VALUE. That's where we come in! Mr. Bell was born in Washington DC and has completed numerous appraisals for a wide range of clientele in our Capitol City. Single Family Attached, Detached and Condominiums. Multi-Family 2-4 Unit Residential Properties, Investment, Historic Properties, Cooperative and Vacant Land Appraisals. Mr. Bell has completed appraisals on properties valued from under $100,000 to over $20,000,000 in our Capitol City because he has the experience investors need in this market place. If you need to know value in Washington DC then call us today! |